School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeships (SBAT)

How does the School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) program work?
The School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship program allows students in years 10 to 12 to commence an apprenticeship or complete a traineeship while still at school.
A school based apprenticeship and traineeship combines paid work, training and school work. As well as an industry recognised, national qualification, students will gain that will credit towards their Higher School Certificate (HSC).
Some apprenticeships and traineeships can contribute towards ones ATAR.
How will this program benefit the employer?
There are a number of benefits that may come along with participating in the SBAT program, such as:
- Subsidised training and wages
- Two-way knowledge transfer, passing on skills while increasing workplace innovation, productivity and staff engagement
- Employees are more likely to work harder and stay longer with companies that provide them with a career start
- Overcome staff/skills shortages.
What is the employer involvement in the program?
There are a number of commitments that an employer must provide, including:
- A minimum of 100 days of work in the school based apprenticeship phase, followed by full time work post HSC if applicable
- A minimum of 100 days of work for school based traineeships
- The opportunities that arise from a qualified or appropriately experienced person to teach the skills and allow the learner to acquire the knowledge of the trade or traineeship
- Access to structured on and off the job training
- A safe and supervised working environment, free from any form of harassment
- All applicable benefits as specified in the training agreement or award, that is made accessible to the learner.
Are employers required to pay students?
All apprentices and trainees, including school-based apprentice and trainees, must be paid under the related award, this is applicable for the vocation according to Fair Work Australia.
Please refer to the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider for current incentive information -
What taxes are involved?
The below taxes are involved with being a part of the SBAT program:
- Tax is applicable according to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) rules
- Superannuation guarantee
- Payroll tax rebate scheme - this allows employers to claim rebate under certain circumstances.
I'm interested, where do I start?
Employers are supported throughout the term of the school based apprenticeship or traineeship by Training Services NSW. Employers can contact Training Services NSW to find out more or find out about how they can participate in the program.
Call 13 28 11
An Apprenticeship Support Network provider will help with establishing Training Contracts and also provide you with information regarding Employer incentives.
Check out the Employer Information Brochure for further information.
Employer Information Brochure