Bushland and Wildlife

Photo by Jessica Davies as part of the Macarthur Nature Photography Competition
The Campbelltown area boasts a significant amount of native bushland.
- Did you know that Campbelltown is home to more than 64 threatened species, including the lovable koala?
- Can you tell a feral Indian Myna Bird from its native neighbour the Noisy Myna?
- Do you know which native plants are best for conserving water and attracting native birds to your garden?
- What are the rules regarding a problematic tree on a neighbour’s property?
Get the answers to all your questions about Campbelltown’s plants and animals here
One of the best things we can do for our local environment is to create a native garden in our backyard, no matter how big or small our backyard may be. Native gardens extend the bushland atmosphere into our urban landscape, giving both the plant life and the many beautiful local species of birds, frogs, insects and reptiles a safe haven to thrive.
The Native Gardening Guide(PDF, 13MB) makes planting natives easy and fun, providing a detailed list of what native plants will thrive in the backyard, ranging from trees to shrubs to grasses. The guide also includes a range of tips and information that will help people create the best native garden possible. Download your copy, or alternatively, contact Council's Natural Areas team on 02 4645 4601 to have a copy sent to your home.