Early Years Support Services

Engaging activities for children and carers. For families with children aged between 0-5 years.
Free play sessions offer child development tips and information from trained early childhood educators, as well as a range of learning activities and the chance to borrow a variety of books and toys as part of our Mobile Toy and Book Library.
Come and play, speak to trained early child educators, mix with other families with young children, participate in fun play and activities, or join in group reading and storytime experiences.
Our playgroups have a range of educational activities to promote children's development:
- Creative experiences - painting, collage, playdough, natural materials, water, sand and sensory play
- Fine motor skills -threading, scissor cutting, pegboards, block construction
- Dramatic play -dinosaurs, jungle animals, farm barns and animals, space exploration, tree houses, doctor and vet role play
- Language and literacy - picture books, puppets, puzzles
- School readiness -counting, shapes, colours, number recognition, tracing, alphabet learning, measurement
- Group time - singing songs, puppets, story time and dancing.
- Third Party referrals - support services and pathways
2024 Playgroup Sessions
Our playgroup sessions for 2024 begin next week!
Note: Friday playgroup session will restart from May 2024 at Glenquarie Library.
Please view our flyer(PDF, 1MB) with all the information for days, locations and times.
We look forward to seeing our special playgroup families there.
Session times
The following playgroups are held during school terms only:
- Mondays - 10am to 12pm, Airds Bradbury Community Centre (Campbelltown Child & Family Centre), 69 Riverside Drive, Airds
- Tuesdays - 10am to 12pm, Airds Bradbury Community Centre (Campbelltown Child & Family Centre), 69 Riverside Drive, Airds
- Tuesdays - 10am-12pm, Airds Bradbury Community Centre (Campbelltown Child & Family Centre), 69 Riverside Drive, Airds
- Wednesdays - 10am to 12pm, Airds Bradbury Community Centre (Campbelltown Child & Family Centre), 69 Riverside Drive, Airds
- Thursdays - 9:30am to 11:30am, Koshigaya Park Campbelltown, Hurley Street, Campbelltown
- Fridays - 10am to 12pm, Glenquarie Library 12 Brooks Street, Macquarie Fields (This session will restart from May 2024)
School Holiday Programs are occasionally held at the Airds Bradbury Community Centre. Stay up to date on our Facebook page.
Borrow educational toys and books
You can borrow up to 2 books and 1 toy per child, from a vast array of well-made toys, books and resources that have been designed to support your child's skill development and imagination.
Become a member
It's free to become a Mobile Toy and Book Library member, all you need to do is complete and return the Mobile Toy and Book Library Membership Form(PDF, 190KB) when you attend playgroup.
Or you can simply use your current Campbelltown City Library Card to borrow items.