Composting and Worm Farming

Setting up your own composting system or worm farm is a great way to recycle your food waste into fertiliser, and soil conditioner for your garden.
And since the average garbage bin contains around 56 per cent organic waste (nearly 5kg per week), you’ll be throwing a lot less in your garbage bin too.
Read about the different systems below to find out which one will work best for you.
Learn how it works
If you are new to worm farming or composting and want to learn more about how they work, watch the videos below and download our fact sheets for further information.
Tumbleweed Tutorial Videos
These two videos provide step by step instructions on how to set up and maintain a worm farm or compost bin at home. Then head to the fact sheets below for the interactive fact sheets on worm farming and composting.
Tumbleweed composting tutorial
Tumbleweed worm farming tutorial
Gardening Australia Videos
Costa and Gardening Australia provide some great tips on getting started with composting and worm farming. It's a great way to involve the children in the yard too.
Video: The First Steps to Composting - with Costa Georgiadis
Video: Maintaining a Compost - with Costa Georgiadis
Worm Farming
Video: What's the deal with worm farming? - with Costa Georgiadis
Video: Three easy ways to build a worm farm - with Gardening Australia
Fact Sheets
We've developed a bunch of fact sheets and fun activities for kids to learn more about worm farms and composting, to get them out and about to help you in your backyard.