Educational Pathways Program (EPP)

How does the Educational Pathways Program work?
The Educational Pathways Program is an innovative program designed to improve education and career outcomes for young people by introducing NSW public high school students to a range of vocational training and employment pathways.
The Educational Pathways Program complements existing careers education activities through the provision of additional resources, including two key roles; Head Teachers Careers and SBAT Engagement Officers, who work closely with schools to:
- Ensure students have access to sound advice, great training pathways and rewarding work opportunities.
- Promote School Based Apprenticeship and Training (SBAT) opportunities, a proven pathway for students to successfully transition to work and/or further education.
- Match students with SBAT employers and offer tailored support and mentoring for students exploring these pathways.
- Streamline delivery of the program across groups of schools.
- Support students with barriers to education.
What is the employers involvement in the program?
An employer may be involved in a variety of different ways, including:
- Industry talks that outline career pathway information, opportunities within their industry and workplace expectations
- Work experience programs
- Employment of a School Based Apprentice or Trainee.
Are employers required to pay students?
Employers are not required to pay students for work experience. All school based apprentices and trainees must be paid under the related award that is applicable for the vocation according to Fair Work Australia.
What taxes are involved?
The below taxes are involved:
- Taxes are applicable according to the ATO rules
- Superannuation guarantee
- Payroll tax rebate scheme - this allows employers to claim rebate under certain circumstances.
What subsidies are available to employers?
Employers should contact an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider who will assess their eligibility for incentives.
Where can employers find further information?
Employers can contact Training Services NSW to find out more or find out about how they can participate in the program.
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