Transitioning Towards Net Zero

In partnership with industry experts we have developed and committed to an evidence-based action plan to guide the transition of our operational emissions towards Net Zero, you can read the Plan here.(PDF, 9MB)
The plan includes:
- An analysis of our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions footprint for the 2020/2021 financial year (FY2021).
- A diagnostic survey to identify our climate awareness, current management and response systems, as well as possible strategic opportunities.
- Site inspections of our top 11 energy consuming facilities to identify opportunities for operational efficiency improvements.
- Projections illustrating future GHG emissions incorporating growth.
- Pathway opportunities to achieve Net Zero defined by time horizons.
- Activities required to achieve Net Zero emissions.
- Facilitate staff engagement and awareness workshops.
Our plan sets our path towards achieving a net zero emissions target by 2029.
Our operational emissions were identified to include the following emission sources:
- Electricity consumption from Council assets
- Electricity consumption from street lighting
- Gas consumption from Council assets
- Fuel consumption from Council’s operational and passenger fleet
- Landfill waste generated by Council facilities and operations
- Water consumption from Council’s assets.
Our 2029 target and reduction pathway has been carefully curated to guide the long-term planning and strategic direction of our operations within a low emissions environment. It provides a framework for accountability, allows the development of a reporting and monitoring schedule, and importantly, provides financial and human resource assistance.
Our emissions reduction is influenced by both internal and external influences. The Plan has 18 recommendations all of which fall under the following themes, the themes are listed in order of greatest impact:
- Increase our purchase of clean energy
- Increase building energy efficiency
- Increase our on-site solar generation capacity
- Convert all gas equipment to electric
- Reduce our waste sent to landfill
- Increase usage of sustainable transport
- Invest in carbon offsetting and carbon sequestration
- Increase sustainability within our supply chain
Some recommendations to highlight are:
- Increase our renewable electricity purchase from 70 to 100%
- Require all new Council-led buildings and precincts to complete a Climate-Resilient Assessment at the design stage, and implement all identified opportunities
- Conduct a comprehensive waste audit
- Implement the findings of the ‘Decarbonising our Fleet' Plan
- Undertake an energy deep dive investigating the use of batteries and energy positive revenue sources
- Investigate utilising our vegetated spaces and planting programs to assist sequester carbon.
We are bold and strive to eliminate emission sources from our operational activities to meet our net zero target!