Current Opportunities

T24/38 Swimming Pool Plant Replacement

Council requires an experienced organisation who can demonstrate that they have the necessary qualifications, ability and experience to provide the replacement of identified Commercial Swimming Pool Plant and Equipment (Works) items at Councils Aquatic Centres in accordance with the RFT Attachment B - Scope of Works/Specifications.

To find out more, attend our non-mandatory site inspection and briefing on Wednesday 5 February 2025 at 9:30am AEDT.

 Please email  to register. You will then be provided with the details to attend the event.

You can download the Request for Tender (RFT) document online from

You must submit your tender to Council by 2.30pm AEDT on Tuesday 18 February 2025 in the manner described in the RFT.

Enquiries prior to download of the RFT should be directed to Vanessa Wunsch on 02 4645 4207.

All enquiries following the purchase of the RFT should be made via the Tenderlink online forum.