Planning for Success
Council is committed to sustainably planning for the future of Campbelltown. We do this by working directly with the community to understand its vision for the city and its people. That vision is then documented in a set of strategic plans that inform and guide the decisions made on behalf of the community.
Council ensures its strategic plans are developed in accordance with the NSW local government Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.
Our Plans - Campbelltown 2032
The Community Strategic Plan
The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) sets out the ten year vision for Campbelltown. It is developed on behalf of the community following an extensive engagement process, to ensure it accurately captures the goals and aspirations of the people of Campbelltown.
The aim of the CSP is to capture the community’s long term plan for the future, which includes:
- The community’s vision (the aspirations for the future of Campbelltown)
- The outcomes the community wants to see
- Strategies to achieve these outcomes and vision
The Community Strategic Plan is the driving force behind every decision that Council makes on behalf of the community and is used by Council to develop it’s Delivery Program & Operational Plan
A comprehensive set of CSP indicators has been developed to measure social, cultural, economic, environmental, and governance outcomes for the city. These are aligned to the focus areas, and form the basis for tracking progress against the CSP.
The current Community Strategic Plan - Campbelltown 2032(PDF, 4MB) is focused on five key outcomes for the future of the city and its people.
Community Vision: A City of Opportunity for All
- Outcome 1: Community and belonging
- Outcome 2: Places for people
- Outcome 3: Enriched natural environment
- Outcome 4: Economic prosperity
- Outcome 5: Strong leadership
Delivery Program and Operational Plan
Campbelltown City Council’s Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2024-25(PDF, 18MB) are presented as a combined plan detailing our Principal Activities including the budget, finances and Fees and Charges(PDF, 6MB) of Council.
The Delivery Program is the 4-year plan that outlines the specific activities that a council will undertake during its elected term to address the strategies and outcomes outlined in the CSP. The Operational Plan then sets out the specific actions that will be undertaken on a yearly basis to achieve the Delivery Program, along with the detailed annual budget.
Resourcing our Plans
Council has developed a comprehensive resourcing strategy to ensure that it can sustainably implement the initiatives and actions outlined in the strategic planning documents.
Updating our Plans
Council accepts feedback from the community at any time. Our strategic plans are updated prior to the current version expiring or when significant changes need to be made during the term of the document. When a plan has been updated it will be presented to the community during a public exhibition for formal feedback. Stay up-to-date by following us on Social Media and subscribing to our eNewsletters.
Archived Plans
Archived plans from the integrated planning and reporting framework are available to the community.