What we're vulnerable to

To make sure we're prepared for anything, we need to know what we are vulnerable to. To build our resilience, check out what we as a community might face and learn how to best prepare.


Close up photo of a fire fighter in PPE, feminine presenting with a neutral facial expression standing in front of a fire truck

The best way to keep you and your family safe is to prevent fires from occurring and know what to do in case of a fire.

Bushfire Management

It is our responsibility to ensure that the fire risk of our bushland is managed effectively to keep our community safe.

Our bush fire responsibility

18,000 hectares, or almost half of the Campbelltown Local Government Area (LGA), is covered by native vegetation.

At an average of 2.95 people per household, there are about 19,000 people living adjacent to our bushland.

Council manages approximately 740 hectares of this bushland including 70 hectares of Asset Protection Zones providing protection to over 6,500 properties.

What does Council do to manage the bush fire risk?

As a member and active participant of theMacarthur Bush Fire Management Committee, we routinely plan and undertake strategic bush fire hazard reduction works across sites within the LGA.

This work is particularly important in urban/bushland areas most at risk to bushfire such as Kentlyn, Wedderburn, Minto Heights, Long Point, Airds, Ingleburn, St Helens Park and Smiths Creek.

What can you do to manage the bush fire risk?

Read our Bushfire safety section below to find out what you can do to manage the bush fire risk.

Bushfire safety

Bush Fire Survival Plan

It is your responsibility to prepare yourself, your family and your home for the threat of a bushfire. You need to make the decision to either leave early or stay and defend a well prepared property.

Prepare your Bush Fire Survival Plan

YourBush Fire Survival Planis one of the best ways to help improve the safety of you and your family before the impact of, or during a bush fire.

Prepare yourself and your family

Preparation is not just about cleaning up around the house and having a plan. It is also about making sure you consider your physical, mental and emotional preparedness.

If you have any doubts about your ability to cope, you should plan to Leave Early.

Part of preparing yourself is having aHome Emergency Kit. This includes items which can help you survive a bush fire.

Prepare your property

Regardless of your decision, you must prepare your property to give yourself and your home the best chance of survival.

TheBushfire Household Assessment Tooland theBush Fire Survival Planwill provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions and the appropriate preparations for your property.

10/50 vegetation clearing - NSW Rural Fire Service

Fire Danger Rating

The Fire Danger Rating gives you an indication of the consequences of a fire, if a fire was to start.

The rating is based on predicted conditions such as the forecast temperature, humidity, wind and dryness of the landscape.

It tells you:

  • how a bushfire may act
  • what impacts there might be on the community if a bushfire were to start
  • when to implement your Bush fire Survival Plan

The higher the fire danger rating is, the more dangerous the conditions are.Keep informed and be ready to act.

Bush Fire Alert Levels

During a bush fire, Alert Levels may be used to give you an indication of the level of threat from a fire.

These alerts may be used on social media, radio, television, the RFS website and in some cases you may receive an Emergency Alert text message or phone call.

Other fires may start so quickly that there will be no time for any warning at all.

Neighbourhood Safer Places

Neighbourhood Safer Place (NSP) is a location within the community that can provide a higher level of protection than your home from the immediate life threatening effects of a bush fire.

NSP's still entail some risk, both in moving to them and while sheltering in them, and cannot be considered completely safe.

They are a place of last resort in emergencies only

You can include the closest NSP into your Bushfire Survival Plan but the following limitations need to be considered:

  • NSP do not cater for pets
  • When using NSP do not always expect emergency services to be present
  • NSP do not provide meals, amenity or cater for special needs (e.g. for infants, the elderly, the ill or disabled)
  • They may not provide shelter from the elements, particularly flying embers.

If an NSP is part of your contingency plan it should not require extended travel through fire affected areas to get there.

If there is not sufficient time or it is unsafe to travel to an NSP you should then consider other pre identified safer locations such as your neighbours' home or a wide open space.

Neighbourhood Safer Places of Campbelltown

Place Street Suburb
Macleay Reserve Macleay Street Bradbury
Blinman Park Harrow Road Glenfield
Digger Black Reserve Lancia Drive Ingleburn
Campbelltown Sports Stadium Pembroke Road Leumeah
Bob Prenter Reserve(Monarch Oval) Fields Road Macquarie Fields
Caley Park Rosewood Drive Macquarie Fields
James Meehan Park Brooks Street Macquarie Fields
Coronation Park Redfern Road Minto
Oswald Reserve Oswald Crescent Rosemeadow
James Ruse Park Acacia Avenue Ruse
Woodlands Rd Baseball Complex Karrabul Road and Woodlands Road St Helens Park
Kooringa Reserve Spitfire Drive Varroville/Raby


Community Fire Units

Community Fire Unit (CFU) is a team of local residents who live in urban areas close to bushland in NSW.

These local men and women are trained and equipped by NSW Fire and Rescue to enhance their safety and resilience to bush fire.

They volunteer their time to prepare and protect their properties from spot fires and ember attack in the event of a bush fire, until the fire services arrive.

Preparation, prevention and protection

Being a volunteer CFU member is about preparation, prevention and protection.

With the correct information, training and equipment, you can reduce your bush fire risk and cut down the impact of ember attack on your property.


The NSW Rural Fire Service Assist Infirm Disabled and Elderly Residents (AIDER) Program is a one-off free service, supporting vulnerable residents to live more safely and confidently in their home on bushfire prone land.

AIDER Program services can include:

  • Clearing gutters
  • Thinning vegetation
  • Removing leaf and tree debris
  • Trimming branches overhanging the home
  • Mowing or slashing long grass

AIDER Program fact sheet

Multicultural Fact Sheets

Translated fact sheets are available in Arabic, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese from the NSW Rural Fire Service.

Home fire safety

In case of a fire:

  • Get out, stay out and dial triple zero
  • 'Get down low and Go, Go, Go!'

If your clothes catch fire:

  • 'Stop, Drop, Cover your face, and Roll'

Did you know that it only takes three minutes for a fire to take hold? House fires can cause serious injury or death, and can destroy your most cherished possessions and home.

Give your family the best chance of surviving a house fire

  • Have at least one installed and operating smoke alarm on each level of your home
  • Know two safe ways out of every room in your home
  • Have a written escape plan in case of fire, and practice it regularly with all household occupants – especially children
  • Ensure that keys to all locked windows and doors are accessible in case you need to escape

Simple home fire safety tips

  • Test smoke alarms regularly and change the batteries at least once every 12 months
  • Have a licenced electrician check your wiring and install a safety switch
  • Don't overload power points and switch off household appliances when not in use
  • Never smoke in bed
  • Never leave open fires unattended and always screen with a proper fireguard
  • Heaters should be kept at least one metre from curtains, furniture and other flammable items
  • Never place clothing over heaters
  • Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children

Resources to keep your home and family safe

Fire and Rescue NSW and the NSW Rural Fire Service have useful resources and information to help keep your family and home safe from fire.

Open burning

Open burning or “backyard burning” is illegal across the Campbelltown Local Government Area (LGA), including all rural areas and is regulated across NSW by the Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2022.

The intention of the Regulation is to minimise air pollution associated with burning. Smoke from burning wood, rubbish and vegetation in open fires and incinerators can contribute to excessive levels of fine particles in the air, which are known to increase the incidence of respiratory diseases and can also create a nuisance to your neighbours.

Backyard burning and unauthorised incineration are prohibited at all times in all council areas in the Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle regions, and in other NSW council areas listed in Schedule 1 of the Clean Air Regulation.

When can fires be lit outside?

To protect the environment and your health, there are only certain situations when fires can be lit outside in NSW. These include:

  • To cook a barbecue in the open
  • Maintain or use a fire for recreational purposes, such as camping, picnicking, scouting
  • Eligible hazard reduction work
  • Some agricultural purposes
  • Authorised fire-fighting training.

Backyard fire pits

You do not need Council approval for a backyard fire pit in the local government area.

Whilst fire pits are not specifically listed in the Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation, they are concerned as 'similar outdoor activities'. 

Fire pits must only use dry seasoned wood, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), natural gas or preparatory barbecue fuel (including a small quantity of fire starter). Anything else that causes excessive smoke is not allowed. 

Council can take action if fire pits produce excessive smoke for the surrounding residents. 

Refer to the NSW Rural Fires Service Lighting a fire - Quick Facts  for an overview of days and your responsibilities when lighting a fire.

Before you light that fire /a> provides advice for landowners that are planning to burn vegetation on their property.

How you can help to reduce fire and smoke nuisances

  • Only burn clean, dry, non-toxic and combustible material that does not cause smoke
  • Do not light a fire if there is a declared fire ban or fire emergency
  • Don't burn wet and green vegetation, as it causes excessive smoke
  • Make sure you have fire-fighting equipment on the property
  • Make sure you put the fire out with water when you have finished burning
  • Use our Green Waste Services to recycle, reuse or compost waste in preference to burning
  • Take large branches or trees to the tip
  • Need assistance with pruning/removal/branch collection of trees, visit our Tree Management section.

My neighbour is creating a smoke issue. What can I do?

Talk to your neighbour about what concerns you may have or ask for suggestions to solve the problem. Solutions can often be found which satisfy everyone.

When resolution to the problem has not been, or is unlikely to be successful, you can:

More information on Open Burning - reducing air pollution from fires is available on the NSW EPA website.

Outdoor fire safety

It is important to remember that staying safe around fire doesn't just include bushfires and fire risks inside the home. The NSW Rural Fire Service has produced a number of fact sheets to help ensure that you stay safe when having fun outdoors or away from home.

General barbecue safety

Barbeques are extremely popular particularly during the warmer months but they can also become potentially dangerous when mixed with carelessness, especially alcohol.

Simple precautions, pre-planning and care, especially regarding young children is vital. This general barbecue safety fact sheetprovides tips for having a good barbeque.

Holiday camping and caravan fire safety

Between 2000 and 2005 the NSWFB responded to 366 fires resulting in 35 fire-related injuries involving caravans, campers and recreational vehicles. (Source NSWFB Statistics)

Unfamiliar surroundings, poor preparation and lack of attention to detail can quickly result in a fire. Simple precautions, prioritising, pre-planning and care can help ensure you have a safe and relaxing holiday. Holiday camping and caravan safety fact sheet.

Festive season fire safety checklist

Last year 592 fires in NSW were caused by mechanical failure such as short circuits and faulty plugs. We recommend visiting the NSW Rural Fire Service website to assist in keeping your home safe.

Away from home fire safety checklist

Fires can and do occur in unoccupied houses and units while people are away taking a break. Following a simple checklist before you leave on holidays may prevent a fire, or minimise fire impact on you and your home while you are away.

Boating fire safety

Fire on board any vessel has the potential to be very dangerous due to the isolation from land and the volatility of on board fuels, ie: petrol, gas etc.

Operators of all boats should have the necessary safety equipment installed and know how to use it in an emergency. Taking simple precautions in boating fire safety can help prevent a fire and make your boating safer.

Portable outdoor heaters

Portable outdoor gas heaters - also known as patio heaters - are a popular way to make outdoor dining possible during the winter months. These heaters are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners but are more widely used by restaurants and outdoor entertainment venues. The following safety tips for portable heaters should be observed.

Urban Heat and Heat Waves

White child in singlet and shorts playing in a public water fountain

Heatwaves are perhaps our most under-rated natural hazard. In Australia during the 20th century, heatwaves caused more deaths than any other natural hazard.

What is a heatwave?

A heatwave is a prolonged period of 3 or more consecutive days of excessive heat. In Australia excessive heat can vary from 35°C to 42°C.

This unusual and uncomfortable hot weather can impact on human and animal health and cause disruption to community infrastructure such as power supply, public transport and services.  

How do I avoid heat stress for myself and my family?

  • Wear lightweight, light-coloured, loose, porous natural fibre clothes
  • Avoid strenuous activities
  • Drink two to three litres of water per day, even if not thirsty
  • Avoid alcoholic, caffeinated or carbonated (soft) drinks
  • Don't take salt tablets unless prescribed by a doctor
  • Avoid protein foods such as meat, dairy products which increase body heat and fluid loss
  • Keep your home cool with curtains, shutters, or awnings on the sunny sides and open windows at night
  • If you don't have air conditioning, use fans, damp clothing and have frequent cool showers
  • Spend as much time as possible in air conditioned buildings (e.g. shopping centres, art galleries, libraries, museums)
  • Avoid direct sunlight. Wear a hat and sunscreen as sunburn limits your ability to cope with heat
  • If you work outside, keep hat and clothing damp
  • Don't leave children or pets in parked vehicles
  • If you suffer chronic illness or feel ill, see your doctor
  • Keep animals in the shade with plenty of water

Related Information

Urban Heat

Research tells us that cities are hotter than their rural surroundings. In fact, cities can be between 20C to 120C warmer.

The reason behind this is that cities and built environments are largely made of surfaces that absorb heat, like roads, footpaths concrete walls and roofs. We know that vegetation, canopy cover and the presence of water are important components to cooling our City. As such, we are collaborating with a number of organisations and stakeholders to better understand urban heat and identify ways we can work together to mitigate and adapt to this challenge.

Monitoring heat

In partnership with Western Sydney University (WSU), we placed 110 temperature sensors across the Local Government Area (LGA) during the 2018/19 summer.

The sensors collected over 1.4 million temperature measurements at 10-minute intervals, and found:

  1. The 2018/19 summer broke LGA records
    • The LGA experienced three heatwaves. During one heatwave event, maximum daily air temperatures remained above 38°C for eight consecutive days (heatwaves are defined as events where maximum daily air temperature remains above 38°C for a minimum of three consecutive days)
    • January 2019 was the hottest month with an average daytime air temperature of 29.9°C and an average nighttime air temperature of 21.7°C.
  2. Not all suburbs in the LGA feel the heat equally
    • Absolute maximum temperatures ranged from 37.4°C to 45.4°C
    • Daytime air temperature regularly varied by around 6°C across the LGA
    • During days of extreme heat, air temperatures varied by more than 10°C across the LGA
    • During a cool change experienced on a day of extreme heat, a temperature variation of more than 17°C was recorded between Kooringa Reserve in St Andrews (measuring 43.3°C) and Hodgson Close in Wedderburn (measuring 26°C).
  3. The LGA is hot
    • There is a significant underreporting of temperature by official weather stations. Our closest Bureau of Meteorology weather station at the Australian Botanic Gardens, Mt Annan only recorded 23 days over 35°C compared to the sensors, which recorded 54 days over 35°C. Additionally, the weather station only recorded 1 day over 40°C, compared to the sensors, which recorded 22 days over 40°C.

Read the full report here: Benchmarking Heat Across Campbelltown.

Urban Heat Island

We participated in a multi-agency working party, facilitated by the Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living (CRCLCL), which developed an urban heat island mitigation decision-support tool.

This is the first study of its kind that will also quantify the impacts of urban heat on energy consumption and human health

Extreme Heat and Heat Waves

When energy demand increases during a heat wave, electrical infrastructure is more likely to overload and fail, causing air conditioners to stop working and outages to communication networks.

Extreme heat is our biggest risk in terms of shocks, it kills more Australians than any other natural disaster with heatwaves being more deadly than storms, fires and floods combined.

Heat-related mortality can be up to three times higher in Western Sydney than in Eastern parts of Sydney during heatwave periods. During a heat wave your body works extra hard to maintain a normal temperature, which can lead to death in vulnerable people.

Recognise the signs of heat-related illness

Heat Related Illnesses What are the signs?
Deterioration in existing medical conditions This is the most common health problem of heat stress.
Heat rash This is a skin irritation caused by excessive sweating. It looks like a red cluster of pimples or small blisters. In this instance, you would move the person to a cooler, less humid environment and keep the affected area dry. Try using unperfumed talcum powder to increase comfort. Avoid using any ointments or creams.
Heat cramps These include muscle pains or spasms, usually in the abdomen, arms or legs. They may occur after strenuous activity in a hot environment, usually when the body gets depleted of salt and water. Cramps may also be a symptom of heat exhaustion. In this case, you must immediately stop the activity that is being conducted and sit quietly in a cool place and increase fluid intake. Rest for a few hours before returning to an activity or seek medical help if there is no improvement.
Dizziness and fainting Heat related dizziness and fainting results from a reduced blood flow to the brain. Heat causes an increase in blood flow to the skin and pooling of blood in the legs, which can lead to a sudden drop in blood pressure. There can be a feeling of light-headedness before fainting occurs. Get the person to a cool area and lay them down. If fully conscious you can increase fluid intake.
Heat exhaustion This is a serious condition that can develop into heatstroke, occurring when excessive sweating in a hot environment reduces the blood volume. Warning signs may include paleness and sweating, rapid heart rate, muscle cramps, headaches, nausea and vomiting, dizziness or fainting. Get the person to a cool area and lay them down. Remove outer clothing and wet skin with cool water or wet cloths. Increase fluid intake if they are fully conscious and seek medical advice.
Heatstroke - this is a medical emergency and requires urgent attention Heatstroke occurs when the core body temperature rises above 40.5 °C and the body's internal systems start to shut down. The sufferer may stagger, appear confused, have a fit or collapse and become unconscious, there can be damage to the nervous system, liver, kidney, muscles and heart. Immediately call triple zero (000) for an ambulance. Get the person to a cool area and lay them down while you are waiting for emergency medical help. Remove outer clothing and wet skin with cool water and fan continuously. Do not give the person any fluids to drink. If they are unconscious position them on their side and clear their airways. If medical attention is delayed, seek further instructions from the ambulance or hospital emergency staff.

Staying safe during a heat wave

  • Never leave a child, adult or animal alone inside a vehicle on a warm day
  • Find cool zones to escape the heat, see our map to find your closest refuge
  • If you are outside, find shade and wear a hat wide enough to protect your face
  • Wear loose, lightweight, light-coloured clothing
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated
  • Take it easy and avoid high intensity activities
  • Check in with family, friends and neighbours.

Keeping your home cool

  • Cover windows with blinds and curtains
  • Weather-strip doors and windows
  • Use window reflectors, such as aluminium foil-covered cardboard, to reflect heat back outside
  • Add insulation
  • Install double glazed windows. 

Floods and Storms

Close up of persons legs walking through dirty flood water, wearing dark blue jeans and black gumboots. Water level coming up over their ankles.

In NSW storms and floods cause more damage than any other event. In preparing for either event there are some simple precautions that people should take in order to minimise the potential impact.


Flooding results in relatively high water levels which flow over natural or artificial banks in any part of a stream, river, estuary, lake or dam or any local drainage system before it enters a watercourse.

Elevated sea levels, large waves or tsunamis can also cause coastal flooding.

Flooding can be a positive occurrence by providing water to wetland ecosystems, replenishing soil moisture and nutrients and providing habitat and food for wetland wildlife.

Flooding can also cause substantial damage to homes and businesses, critical infrastructure, and farming. However, the negative effects of floods can be reduced with good planning and the right actions.

Flash flooding is the most likely kind of flood to affect residents of Campbelltown City.


Storms can happen anywhere at anytime of the year and are the most frequent emergency affecting people in NSW.

Storms can be accompanied by torrential rain, strong winds, large hailstones and lightening.

Storms may result in flash flooding, un-roofed buildings, damaged trees and power lines and can pose a significant safety risk to people, animals, households and businesses.

Severe Storms

To minimise damages and injuries during a severe storm, here are some points you can use as a guide:

Before the storm

  • Clear all loose materials (metals, tools, furniture, large bits of wood) from around your house and garden.
  • Trim large branches, especially those hanging over the house and around powerlines, but if you feel that a specific area needs attention, contact Council. Never attempt to do it yourself.
  • Have a battery operated radio with fresh batteries.
  • Have masking tape - in case you need to tape the windows in the threat of very high winds.
  • Check your home emergency kit is up to date.

During the storm

  • Listen to your local radio for important information, updates and/or instructions.
  • Secure all pets and shelter all vehicles and protect them with tarpaulins or blankets
  • In the instances that there are intensive and strong winds, tape your windows in the 'x' and then the '+' fashion (so it creates a star '*' pattern).
  • Remain inside in a strong safe place of the house.
  • Locate and check your home emergency kit is stocked with essentials
  • Keep clear of windows, glass pipes and anything metal
  • If outdoors, shelter in a car and never under a tree.
  • If there is no vehicle available, crouch - do not lie down - in a hollow.

After the storm

  • Listen to your local radio for official information and guidance.
  • Check your house for damage - if you find it is unstable and unsafe then find a strong part of your house to shelter in.
  • Contact the emergency services if you require urgent assistance and seek help from neighbours and family.
  • Do not go investigating the damages in your neighbourhood, stay and help others.
  • Be aware: there could be fallen powerlines, unstable buildings and loose branches and trees.

Drain and canal safety

Campbelltown has an extensive system of open canals and stormwater drains as part of the flood protection of the city. You should be aware that entering these canals and stormwater drains is dangerous.

Why are drains and canals dangerous?

Drains and canals carry rainwater from our streets to our rivers and creeks. They are dark, wet and slippery making it easy to slip and fall. It is also difficult for others to hear your call for help if injured.

Entering a drain or canal could cost you your life and place others at risk rescuing you.

Anyone entering a drain faces the threat of:

  • Rising water levels, even in sunny dry conditions
  • Rainwater falling many kilometres flowing downstream, arriving suddenly and unexpectedly
  • Slow moving flows that can quickly become raging torrents
  • Poisonous gases and lack of oxygen that may present in drains at any time
  • Contaminated or unsanitary water conditions
  • Flash Floods

Flood Detention Basins

As well as drains and canals, Campbelltown has flood detention basins across the city. They assist in temporarily holding flood water when extreme floods occur, such as a 1-in-100 year event.

Many of these detention basins are sporting fields or parks. It is important to remember that these areas can also be very dangerous when extreme flooding occurs in the city.

Flash floods

Flash floods happen when a large amount of rain falls in a localised area over a very short period of time.

These localised storms are generally beyond the capacity of the underground drainage system.

Excess water runs along the low points of the area which can include roads, gardens, train lines and streets, and sometimes through homes and businesses.

How often do flash floods occur?

These storms are fairly rare, occurring on average every five to ten years. Larger storms that can cause property damage generally occur on average once every 20 to 50 years.

Climate change projections suggest we can expect more extreme weather events including heavy storms that deliver a large amount of rain in a short period (2-24 hours). This is despite the fact that annual rainfall volumes are expected to decrease.

How can I stay safe in a flash flood?

The State Emergency Service has produced a Community FloodSafe Guide to help you prepare and protect your household from floods.

Flood action plan

If flooding is likely a Flash Flood or Flood Watch is issued by the Bureau of Meteorology and you should be prepared to act should this flooding occur.


  • Listen to your local radio station for information, updates and advice
  • Locate and check your Home Emergency Kit is ready
  • Check on your neighbours and make sure they are aware of the Flood Watch
  • Move pets, including agisted animals, to high ground

Business Owners and Managers

  • Locate and activate your Business Flood Safe Plan (developed by working through the Business Flood Safe Toolkit)
  • Check neighbouring businesses are aware of the Flood Watch
  • Where possible, back up records and store off-site
  • Make preparations to raise or relocate stock, records and equipment
  • Find out about evacuation routes for your business and make sure your employees know when they are likely to close. This will ensure they can leave safely when a Flood Watch is issued

Rural Property Owners

  • Relocate livestock and farm equipment, including pumps, to high ground
  • Check sheds and outbuildings. Equipment, feed and chemicals should be raised or moved to high ground

All Properties

If isolation is likely, have sufficient non-perishable food, essential medications, fuel and other necessities to last at least a week. Remember to include pet food and fresh water. This is apart of your Home Emergency Kit.

What do I do during a flood?

  • Never drive, ride or walk through floodwater - this is the main cause of death during floods. Floodwater may be deeper and faster flowing than you think and may contain hidden snags and debris. This includes causeways and low-lying roads
  • Stack possessions, records, stock or equipment on benches and tables, placing electrical items on top
  • Secure objects that are likely to float and cause damage
  • Relocate waste containers, chemicals and poisons well above floor level
  • Keep listening to your local radio station for further information, updates and advice
  • Keep in contact with your neighbours
  • Be prepared to evacuate if advised
  • Act early, as roads may become congested or close

How do I evacuate?

During a flood the SES and other emergency services may ask you to prepare for evacuation.

The SES aims to keep people safe and minimise the risks to life and property when floods occur. It is important that you follow any advice given to you in an evacuation situation.

Being prepared early will allow you to respond quickly should you need to evacuate.

  • Be sure to have your Home Emergency Kit ready to go and add important papers, valuables and mementos
  • Don't forget to take your Home Emergency Kit with you
  • Turn off the electricity and gas at the mains before you leave and turn off and secure any gas bottles
  • Prepare to take your pets with you.

Recovering from a severe flood

A local recovery centre may be established by Department of Family and Community Services. This centre will be staffed by representatives from a range of government departments and community agencies to help you return to normal living. At the centre you will be able to get advice on everything from insurance to counselling.

In the event of a flood, information will be available from the Department of Family and Community Services State Disaster Recovery Centre on 1800 018 444.

For further information of flood preparation contact the State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500 or see their website.

Floodplain management

What is a flood?

A flood occurs when there is water where it shouldn't be.

Flooding occurs in two ways. The first is when rain falls and the water runs downhill, eventually reaching a drainage pit, creek or river. This is known as overland flow.

The second is when a river or creek has more water running through it than normal and begins to increase in depth, covering land that it didn't before. This is known as mainstream flooding.

Flooding in Campbelltown Local Government Area

Compared to areas you may have seen on the news in recent years, flooding in Campbelltown is not very severe and stormwater drainage systems have been well planned, built and maintained.

Flooding which does occur is generally of very short duration, but also with short warning times. Most of the Campbelltown Local Government Area (LGA), if flooding does occur, will experience overland flooding. Very few properties on both the George's and Nepean Rivers experience mainstream flooding.

Managing flooding in Campbelltown

To manage flooding, it is important to first understand how flooding occurs, what areas are most at risk and then ways to manage the flooding can be developed. The NSW Government Floodplain Development Manual outlines the following method for achieving this. By following this process, Council can also apply for financial assistance from the State Government in the development of flood studies, floodplain risk management studies and plans and construction of flood mitigation works.

Floodplain Study plan

Flood studies and Floodplain Risk Management Studies and Plans

A Flood Study takes all the relevant information in the area to model how a flood will occur. This information includes topography, stormwater drainage infrastructure locations of buildings and anything else which may impact how water moves through a catchment. A different range of flood events are then modelled and maps showing the depth of the flooding, how fast the flood waters move and the flood hazard are produced.

The information from the Flood Study is then used to complete the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan. The Floodplain Risk Management Study uses this information to identify areas which will be impacted by flooding and looks at ways to minimise these impacts. Generally, the Study will identify areas where there may be flood waters moving through a house or which will be dangerous for the community.

Campbelltown Flood Studies and Floodplain Risk Management Studies and Plans

Council has completed a flood study for the Bow Bowing Bunbury Curran Creek Catchment and has finalised the Bow Bowing Bunbury Curran Creek Catchment Strategic Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.

Volume 1 - Bow Bowing Bunbury Curran Creek Strategic Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

Volume 2 - Bow Bowing Bunbury Curran Creek Strategic Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

Work is currently underway for the preparation of a flood study for a number of catchments to the south of the LGA (mainly around the suburbs of Airds, St Helens Park and Rosemeadow). This is expected to be completed towards the end of 2022.

Floodplain Risk Management Committee

The Bow Bowing Bunbury Curran Floodplain Risk Management Committee meets as necessary to discuss and review Flood Studies, Floodplain Risk Management Plans and other flooding issues.

More information

If you need information on flooding for a specific property, please complete the Stormwater Advice Request Form.

For more information regarding flood studies, floodplain risk, management studies and plans, the floodplain risk management committee or flooding in general, please contact Council on 02 4645 4000 or by email at floodstudy@campbelltown.nsw.gov.au.