Resilient Sydney

Photo of Sydney harbour in the background with text

Council has adopted the Resilient Sydney Strategy(PDF, 7MB), paving the path for Campbelltown’s approach to resilience across our city.

The Strategy was developed by Resilient Sydney, a collaboration of all 33 metropolitan councils of Greater Sydney, in order to implement a city-wide approach to resilience.

Resilient Sydney is a five-year plan that seeks to create a metropolis that is connected, inclusive and resilient.

It identifies 35 actions which are aligned to 5 directions. These actions and directions, described below, have been considered in the development of this plan.

  1. People-centred: to address rising inequity
  2. Live with our climate: to adapt to a changing climate
  3. Connect for strength: to foster a sense of belonging and equality
  4. Get ready: to prepare infrastructure, essential services and people for shock events
  5. One city: to build the capacity of governance organisations to understand and manage vulnerabilities, interdependencies and risks