1860s Our Campbelltown

Our Campbelltown 1860s


Charles Stanley

Charles Stanley was a famous jockey who won numerous big races including the AJC Derby, The Victorian St Leger, and the Melbourne Cup. He rode for trainer John Tait, as well as Judge Cheeke, who owned Varroville and bred horses in partnership with John Tait. After hanging up his saddle, Charles Stanley moved to Campbelltown where he had the licence for the Sportsman's Arms which stood on the opposite corner of Cordeaux Street to Mawson Park. He is buried in St Peter's Cemetery. Below is an image of Glencoe, winner of the Melbourne Cup in 1868. In attendance is most likely John Tait and Charles Stanley.

A picture of the Winning horse called Glencoe with his trainer and owner.
(Image sourced from illustrated Australian News for Home Readers 7.12.1868 Wooden engraving by F.Frith)


Construction of the Menangle Rail Bridge

The Menangle rail bridge constructed in 1863 is the oldest surviving bridge on the State rail system and is of higher significance in the development of railway technology in the State. It's size and design was such that it was featured with its sister bridge in Penrith in an international text book Modern Examples of Road and Railway Bridges by William H Maw and James Dredge, London, 1872. It is an excellent example of early bridge construction and is still in use today. The photo below was taken in 1866 - a train can be seen approaching from the left. Discover more about the Menangle Railway Bridge and Viaduct(PDF, 216KB).

black and white photo of the Menangle bridge with a train approaching from the left
(Image sourced from Menangle Bridge - Great Southern Railway New South Wales Hetzer, William State Library of Victoria )


St Mark's Collegiate School, Macquarie Fields

The St Mark's Collegiate School was situated in Macquarie Field House(PDF, 50KB) which was built in the vicinity of Meehan's Castle. The Rev. George Fairfowl Macarthur, removed his school from St. Mark's, Darling Point, or Alexandria as it was then named, and established it at Macquarie Fields in January, 1850, under the name of "St. Mark's Collegiate School." Here he conducted a very successful boarding school until the end of 1868, when at the urgent request of The King's School authorities at Parramatta he accepted an appointment as headmaster of that school in January, 1869. Some of his masters, and about 42 of his Macquarie Fields boys accompanied him. St. Mark's School ceased to exist at the end of 1868. The school has the honour of having the first Cadet unit to be raised on Australian soil. The photo below is the oldest photo in the Local Studies Collection, Campbelltown City Library.

Sepia photograph of the pupils of the the St Marks Collegiate School in 1866
(Image Sourced from Campbelltown City Library Local Studies Collection)

A view into the valley

Looking across Campbelltown in 1860, a watercolour by Henry Grant Lloyd. Painted from the top of the hill near the original St John's Catholic Church, it looks down into the valley and at far right you can see St Peter's Anglican Church(PDF, 379KB), and behind it, a steam train hurtling along the newly-opened railway line.

A Water colour painting of the view across Campbelltown in 1860, looking down into the valley
(Image sourced from Dixson Library, State Library of New South Wales)

The Main Street

By the 1860s the main street was lined with substantial stone buildings (although the road itself remained dirt, or mud). In this view, looking north, the famous row of Georgian houses(PDF, 413KB) is at the right. On the left is the palatial Patrick's Hotel, built by Anne Byrne, and later known as Alpha House. It was a major landmark for generations, but was demolished in 1938 to make way for The Good Intent Hotel - which in turn was demolished to create Campbelltown Mall in 1984.

Sepia photo of the main street of Campbelltown with dirt road and georgian style buildings
(Image sourced from Gore Family Collection)