Some online services listed under Apply/Report/Book/Track/Pay it will be unavailable from 1:00am on Sunday 13 October to 10:00am on Sunday 13 October 2024.
You're invited to attend a special ceremony to welcome Campbelltown City Council’s recently elected Councillors.
Campbelltown City Council's Library Strategic Plan "Connect, Create, Learn" was developed in consultation with the community to guide the provision of library services in Campbelltown City over the next 20 years.
The strategic plan supports and guides the ongoing development of library services to ensure they continue to meet the growing and changing needs of the community.
Our libraries have made great strides in achieving our goals as outlined in our Library Strategic Plan. We have composed the Library Strategic Plan Update(PDF, 4MB) which outlines everything we have been working on.
The Library is currently working on the following Library Strategic Plan outcomes for 2022-2024: