Help us get your bins emptied
Follow these tips to make sure your bins get emptied every week:
Put your bins out early
Our collection trucks start early. Make sure your bins are out on the kerbside before 6.00am on collection day. Ideally, put them out the night before.
Bins are collected as normal on public holidays.
What day is my bin collected?
The day of collection depends on where you live. You can check your collection day by downloading the My Waste Bin app or using our waste collection day search tool to check when your collection day is.
Make sure there’s room to move
Make sure your bins are placed at least 50 centimetres apart and are clear of parked cars and trees by leaving a 1 metre space.

Don’t park vehicles in front of bin collection points on collection day.

Stop when they're full
- Don't overfill or compact your bin
- Make sure you can close the lid
- Don’t place rubbish on top of or beside your bin
The collection vehicle can only lift up to 70kg, so if your bin is heavier it can't be emptied. Normal use should easily keep your bin under the weight limit.
If you have a large family and need extra services, this can be arranged for a small fee. Contact our Rates Section on 02 4645 4000 to find out more.
Go bagless!
Don't put plastic bags in your recycling or garden organics bins.
- Reuse them
- Put them in your general waste bin.
Better yet - say 'no' to plastic bags altogether! Less Plastic is Fantastic.