1960s Our Campbelltown

Our Campbelltown 1960s


Clive Tregear

Few public figures have left their mark on Campbelltown like Clive Tregear. As Mayor from 1964 to 1972, Clive became one of the most respected figures in Macarthur politics and would not retire from council until 1980. He was involved in a huge range of community, health and planning bodies. He was devoted to both the job and to his beloved Campbelltown. He was also, in some ways, a man ahead of his time. An example of this was how he saved the magnificent colonial terraces at the southern end of Queen Street from being demolished. This action wasn't popular with everyone at the time, but today his stance is looked on with admiration and relief. Some of his other notable achievements included the opening of the new and prestigious housing development of Sherwood Hills (now Bradbury), construction of a new swimming pool and the opening of a new library service. However, it was the declaration of Campbelltown as a city that was probably the biggest highlight of his term in office. This was celebrated on May 4 1968 and saw Clive at his best, making a number of speeches and decked out in his finest mayoral robes. In 1977 he was awarded the MBE for his outstanding record in public affairs. It was a sad day when Clive announced his retirement from local government in 1980.

Below: Town Clerk, H.J. Daley and Mayor, Clive Tregear, receiving the Lamp Standard given by Council of the Municipality of Campbeltown, (note only one L in this one) Scotland and installed at the Civic Centre, Campbelltown, N.S.W.

HJ Daley and Clive Tregear
(Image sourced from Hugh Bairnsfather Collection Campbelltown City Library)

Alderman Clive Tregear planted the first tree in Sherwood Hills on 20th March 1965.

A tree being planted
(Credit - Unknown)

1960's fashion

Great display of 1960s fashions and architecture- Jackie Willet

A young woman in 1960s fashion on her front porch
(Sourced from Geoff Eves collection)

Campbelltown Theatre Group

Young members of Campbelltown Theatre Group rehearsing in the late 1960s

Campbelltown Theatre Group members posing for a group photo
(Sourced from Joy Lewis collection)

Art Class

Joan Brassil, art teacher at Campbelltown High School, wth students drawing John Warby's historic Leumeah Barn and Stables in the early 1960s

Young girls in Art Class
(Image sourced from Brassil family collection)

Party Time

Young Campbelltonians at a groovy party in the late 1960s. Pictured are, from left: Jo Reppion, Alyson Hanley and Norm Carroll. Alyson went on to become Campbelltown's Miss Sesqui-Centenary in 1970 and Jo Reppion (later Radkewicz) became a long-serving Campbelltown librarian.

Young people at a party in the 1960s
(Image sourced from Gillian Blackstone collection)

A backyard party in a Broughton Street home in the late 1960s. Note the old Macquarie Cinema in the background. The site of this home is now a shopping carpark.

A backyard party in the 1960s
(Image sourced from Jackie Green Collection)

The Reason Why

One of Campbelltown's rock bands in the 1960s - The Reason Why. It featured Lew Mordaunt, John Hepher and John Clarke. The Reason Why never got a record deal, but did entertain troops in the Vietnam War.

Portrait of a local rock band
(Image sourced from Geoff Eves Collection)

1960s Wedding

Wedding in 1967 of local identities Joy Newham and Colin Lewis.

Joy Newham and Colin Lewis' wedding photo


The Vietnam War

Corporal Bob Monkcom of Leumeah at Nui Dat in 1968. Many local men were sent from suburban Campbelltown to fight in the Vietnam War. Bob served with 1RAR at the Battle of Coral Fire Base in May-June 1968. Australian losses were 25 killed and 99 wounded in the three-week series of actions.

Vietnam War Soldier
(Image sourced from Monkcom Family Collection)

End of an era- last train to climb Kenny Hill

On the 1st January, 1963, the affectionately nick-named Pansy would make her last historical run between Camden and Campbelltown. The nine car special, with over five hundred passengers started at Sydney Terminal to Campbelltown and thence on to Camden, with several photo stops on the way. Following a stop-over of several hours, Pansy made her way to Campbelltown for the last time. Thus did 80 years of rail service between Camden and Campbelltown come to an end.

A steam train coming into Campbelltown
(Image sourced from Thomson Collection, Campbelltown City Library)

Campbelltown becomes a City AND we get electric trains!

Up to 1968, Campbelltown was experiencing huge growth and accelerated progress. The state government announced in 1960 that Campbelltown would become a ‘satellite town'. The electrification of the railway was close at hand, and the announcement was made at the beginning of 1968 that the creation of the City of Campbelltown, and the electrification of the railway would both be inaugurated on the same day. Huge celebrations witnessed by hundreds of people, formalities with VIPs, and a great procession of floats were part of this most auspicious day, which took place on Saturday May 4th. Front Page of the Campbelltown-Ingleburn News (now the Advertsier) in May 1968, celebrating the declaration of Campbelltown as a City.

Front Page of the Campbelltown-Ingleburn News (now the Advertsier) in May 1968, celebrating the declaration of Campbelltown as a City.

Newspaper clipping of Campbelltown declared a City
(Image sourced from Campbelltown-Macarthur Advertiser collection)

First electrified train service arriving at Campbelltown Railway Station(PDF, 312KB) 1968 below.

The first electric train pulling into Campbelltown Station
(Image sourced from Geoff Eves Collection Campbelltown City Library)

Huge crowds gathered at Campbelltown Station for the official opening of the electric line to Sydney.

Crowds at Campbelltown Station
(Image sourced from Geoff Eaves Collection)

Campbelltown Catholic Club Opening

From small beginnings and creative ideas, the Catholic Club has grown into the behemoth it is today. Campbelltown Catholic Club opened its doors in 1968. The germ of an idea began to form amongst a group of men who had volunteered their help in building classrooms for the burgeoning St John's Primary School. The concept of a licensed club for Catholics to raise funds for schools. A meeting was held in Marc of 1965 to formally develop the idea. The Campbelltown Catholic Club Ltd was incorporated as a company. The club needed a clubhouse and a site was chosen. A liquor license was granted and construction on the Club began in May 1968. The Club opened its doors on December 5th 1968. Today that original club building would fit into the entrance foyer. The original building stood on the site now generally occupied by the food court...and would keep expanding, outwards and upwards, for the next half century.

The front of the Campbelltown Catholic Club in the 1960s

Campbelltown Catholic Club after some expansion
(Image sourced from Campbelltown Catholic Club collection)

Building of the new Council Administration Building

The administration centre opened on Saturday, 28th November, 1964. Planning for the new office building had begun in 1961 when the school of arts building provided inadequate to accommodate council staff. It was easily the highest building in the town and was seen for kilometres around Campbelltown. The design was seen as "providing a strong vertical emphasis to the Civic Centre". Mayor Fraser at the time called it "a symbol of our faith in the future". The first stage of the Master Plan was prepared in early 1961. The first sod for construction was turned in June 1963.

A view of the new Council Admin building
(Image sourced from Fairfax Collection, Campbelltown City Library)

Campbelltown Show

Campbelltown Show in 1963 with Kath Sedgwick placing a sash on Showgirl Drenda Brown

A sash being presented at Campbelltown show
(Image sourced from Country Life Newspaper)

New Campbelltown Swimming Pool

A newspaper clipping of swimming lessons at the new Campbelltown Swimming Pool in the late 1960s

Newspaper clipping of Campbelltown Swimming Pool opening
(Image sourced from Campbelltown-Macarthur Advertiser)


Sherwood Hills (now Bradbury) is developed

Buoyed by its early successes the Lend Lease Corporation planned a huge development in Campbelltown. The Lend Lease Corporation set a standard for "modern residential development" with the completion of the first stage of the new "Sherwood Hills Estate" in 1965. After 3 years, 350 homes had been completed.

A street view of the Sherwood Housing development
(Images sourced from Fairfax Collection, Campbelltown City Library)

Queen Street

Cheryl and Phyllis Preston on Queen Street, at the Lithgow Street intersection, in 1968. Coles, Woolworths and Downes department store can be seen across the road.

A view of the main street of Campbelltown near Lithgow Street
(Image sourced from McGill Family collection)