Street Appeal Grant 2022/23

Make your first impressions count.
We know that peeling paint, faded signs and broken tiles can all have a big impact on how your customers, and the public, look at and engage with your business.
The Street Appeal Grant aims to help you enhance your business shopfront and contribute towards creating a more attractive and inviting atmosphere for visitors to the city centre.
Street Appeal Grants
Campbelltown City Council is providing grant funding of up to $2,000 (excluding GST) towards the total project cost of improving your business shopfront.
The proposed improvements must align with the list of approved activities outlined in the Street Appeal Program Outline(PDF, 765KB).(PDF, 765KB)
Here's a preview copy of the application form(PDF, 191KB) to help you prepare your application before completing the online application.
Who can apply
Building owners, or commercial tenants of ground floor businesses located within the below outlined streets of the Campbelltown and Ingleburn CBD are eligible to apply for Street Appeal Grant funding.
Recipients of the Street Appeal Grant in 2021 are eligible to re-apply, however priority will be given to new applicants.
Campbelltown CBD
- Queen Street
- Patrick Street
- Lithgow Street
- Dumaresq Street
- Allman Street.
Ingleburn CBD
- Oxford Road
- Ingleburn Road
- Carlisle Street
- Nardoo Street
- Macquarie Street.
How do I apply?
Applications closed: 30 May 2022
What can I use the grant funding for?
You can apply for grant funding to be used towards a list of approved activities outlined in the Street Appeal Program Outline(PDF, 765KB).
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Works that improve the external façade of the business or enhance the ambience of the outdoor trading area
- Signage improvements
- Painting of walls, doors or windows
- Repair or replacement of wall tiles
- Window upgrades (frosting, replacement, etc.)
- Lighting that improves appearance or security
- Removal of existing cladding
- Purchase or update of outdoor dining furniture and planter box (applicants must have an approved outdoor dining permit)
- Cosmetic updates to existing awning (which do not require a Development Consent)
- Repair works to improve the physical appearance of the façade
- Works that enhance the security outside the shopfront.
What can't the funding be used for?
Grant funding can't be used for:
- Any works outside of the business existing conditions of consent
- Works which require consent under a Development Consent
- Works that have already commenced, or have been completed prior to grant application
- Administrative, staffing or business operation costs
- Routine maintenance or interior work (e.g. cleaning of gutters, carpet cleaning)
- Replacement or new installation of external shutters, roller shutters, security grilles, security glazing and other security devices (e.g. CCTV)
- Any premises that are not located in the eligible area
- Any premises that are not ground floor
- Marketing or promotion costs
- Capital purchases for internal operation or internal fit outs (unless it is directly linked to the construction of the façade improvement)
- Furniture or products for interior decoration
- The purchase of A-frame signage, pull-up banners, banner flags or any other type of promotional banner or flag.
- Proposed works that require a new Development Application will not be eligible for grant funding.