Benham Oval
Benham Oval is located across from Sarah Redfern Playing Fields in Minto. This oval has 1 full sized Rugby League Field and 1 mini Rugby League Field, both available for hire.
Our amenities building has accessible toilets and a kitchen facility which can be utilised as a canteen.
The oval has tiered outdoor seating which can be utilised by families watching a game of sport. Outdoor fitness track and equipment is available for use at any time. There is also a playground suited for kids big and small.
Fees and Charges
Sports Ground Hire fees are listed in our Fees and Charges document(PDF, 6MB) or you can search online.
Booking Information
Sports grounds can be booked on a seasonal or casual basis. Please read our Step by Step User Guide for Booking a Sports Ground(PDF, 6MB) for more information on how to make a booking enquiry.
Make a Booking Enquiry
For all presentation days, you must lodge a new enquiry request with a minimum of 14 days notice.
For assistance with making a booking enquiry, you can contact the Sport and Recreation team on 02 4645 4615.
Over the phone
You can make a booking enquiry over the phone:
- Call our Sport and Recreation team on 02 4645 4615
- Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Grampian Ave, 2566 View Map
Grampian Ave ,
Benham Oval