Traineeships and apprenticeships

Kick start your career with on-the-job training at Campbelltown City Council.
Do you have what it takes?
Do you enjoy interacting with others, as well as working in a team environment and want to get paid while you complete a nationally recognised qualification? If you have a positive attitude, a willingness to succeed, have good communication skills and want to learn and gain new skills and knowledge, then applying for an apprenticeship or traineeship could be your next step.
We provide many opportunities to kick start your career. Offering Education and Care Assistant traineeships and hosting a range traineeships in Business Administration and Trade Certificate IV apprenticeships through My Gateway. Council is a great place to gain valuable work experience in a professional environment.
You will work with us while you study, finishing with a nationally recognised qualification and hands on experience in your chosen field, while getting paid to do something you enjoy.
Education and Care Services Assistant Traineeships
Council offers Education and Care Assistant Traineeships for up to two years. You will gain on the job training while working closely with Council's qualified child care professionals, as well as undertaking a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education.
When an Education and Care Assistant Traineeship is available, it will be advertised in local newspapers and on our positions vacant page.
Check out our Trainee Information Video to help you decide if a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education is right for you and to learn more about the how the application process works.
Family, Education and Community Services Trainee Information Video from Campbelltown City Council on Vimeo.
Business Administration Traineeships
Each year we host a number of Business Administration Trainees who are placed in a range of sections across Council. Some of those sections include:
- Communications
- Information Technology
- Records
- Family, Education and Community Services
- City Development
- Procurement and Contracts
- People and Performance
- Community Life
- Sports, Recreation and Leisure Facilities
- Customer Service
We are a disability friendly employer, and if you have a disability we encourage you to apply.
Business Administration Traineeships are for a period of 12 months. At the end of this you will be eligible for a Certificate III in Business Administration.
Indigenous (school based) Traineeships
The Indigenous traineeship program, Certificate II in Business and Administration, is a school-based work experience traineeship that forms part of the HSC. You will work one day per week – up to 800 hours over a two year period. For further information, please discuss with your school or contact the Aboriginal Employment Strategy (AES) on 02 4621 5900 or visit
An apprenticeship has a duration of up to four years, during which time you will get hands on experience with qualified tradespeople. You'll also receive formal off the job training at TAFE. At the end of the apprenticeship you will obtain a TAFE Trade Certificate IV in your chosen field.
Apprenticeships are offered in the areas of:
- Small plant equipment
- Green keeping
- Signwriting
- Horticulture
- Vehicle/truck mechanic
Apprentices and Business Administration Trainees are employed through My Gateway.
If you are an applicant with a disability, My Gateway works closely with Macarthur Disability Services to place and assist you if necessary.
If you are interested in becoming an Apprentice or Business Administration Trainee with us, please contact My Gateway on 02 4627 1388 or visit
Other opportunities
Accounting Cadetship
We employ an Accounting Cadet in our Financial Services section. The cadetship lasts for the duration of the cadet’s university studies. You must be eligible to undertake a Bachelor of Business degree at university, with an Accounting major. You will have the opportunity to become familiar with the diverse functions of Council's finance section.
As part of the Cadetship, Council will help with payment of fees whilst employed as the Accounting Cadet.
Student Planner
This position provides an excellent opportunity for current students or recent graduates to obtain considerable experience within Council’s Development Services section. Employment as the Student Planner is for a 12 month period on a full-time basis. You will gain valuable work experience in all aspects of development assessment and will have direct contact with developers, government agencies and the community.
When an Accounting Cadetship or Student Planner position is available, it will be advertised in the local newspapers and on our positions vacant page.